Sunday 14 June 2009

Edward Scissorhands

This weekend the weather has been glorious. It is such an exhilerating feeling to step outside into the sunshine and smell the warm earth from the garden and the heavy scent of the roses.

These have been in flower very early this year. The first blooms were already out in early May and my rambler rose looks a little worse for wear in mid June.
The box tree had his 'haircut' and looks tidy now.

As I am no Edward Scissorhands, the clipping is a rather mundane conical shape.

I will now put the kettle on and sit outside with a cup of tea and enjoy the brilliant sunshine and the summer we are having.

Have a good weekend wherever you are.


Thursday 11 June 2009

Derby Day

Derby Day has come and gone. I should have clipped the box last weekend. But 'game' was postponed due to rain. So I thought I do it today. But need you ask, 'game' is postponed again, of course, due to rain.

Now, if Alan T. and Monty D. could hear my meandering and dithering thoughts on this, I dread to think what comments I would get. And, it is not as if I would have to clip yards and yards of box hedging.
No, indeed, I only have about two or three rather small box 'trees' in my yard-like back garden. But even these have to go untended for the time being.
So, this is one of them 'before'; I will show the the 'after' when the sun comes out again.

Longing for the summery sunshiny days of June, enjoying colourful roses and heavy scented honeysuckle. I hope to see you again soon.


Sunday 7 June 2009

The Weather

What an original sort of topic. Bad weather! I should have thought of something more exciting to write about for my first post. But first and foremost today has so far been a rather wet and cold.

But, as apparently there is no such thing as bad weather, I used it as an excuse to provide some comfort food.And there we go, rain has stopped and the colours of roses and clematis in the garden just seem to be so much more brilliant than under full sun.I hope you are enjoying beautiful weather wherever you are, and if not, be sure to make the most of it.


Saturday 6 June 2009

Hello there, I am happy that you have found me.

Welcome to my very own little bit of cyber space.

I have been lurking and reading of some marvellous blogs, all of them creative, emotional, funny, interesting and fascinating - for quite some weeks now.

Reading about my life might be none of the above, but I thought I would try my hand at blogging anyway.

So I hope you enjoy visiting and that we might become friends.
